The film serves as Garrone's English-language debut and will interweave three separate story strands bookended by brief bits in which Italians Alba Rohrwacher and Massimo Ceccherini will play a street circus family. In one tale Salma Hayek will play a jealous queen who forfeits her husband's life. In another, Vincent Cassel plays a king whose passion is stoked by two mysterious sisters. Release Date: TBC. Genre: Fantasy, Romance. Director: Matteo Garrone. Writers: Giambattista Basile (book), Edoardo Albinati (screenplay). Stars: Salma Hayek, Vincent Cassel, Toby Jones. Tale of Tales official trailer courtesy of IFC Films. FilmTrailerZone is the #1 destination for all movie fans to catch the latest movie trailers, clips, featurettes & much more of the latest promotional content from your most anticipated movies!.