XTorinX Streams!|Fallout 4| Survival Mode Permadeath! #1

Hey guys. XTorinX here and welcome to my channel. I am a "YouTuber" that likes to make videos, make art (including thumbnails), play video games, listen to music and stuff. On this channel, you will find me, XTorinX, complaining or having fun with video games such as Mortal Kombat X, Fallout 4 and Minecraft along with a whole butt-load of poorly crafted humour. Also on my channel you will find me talking / playing with other YouTubers (Shown on the right hand side of the webpage. These YouTubers are some of the most under-appreciated YouTubers around so I suggest giving them a look-see. I also create thumbnails for anyone willing to have a better looking YouTube channel. You can find more info here: www.facebook.

ps4live,   playstation 4,   sony computer entertainment,   fallout 4