The Sims 4: Get Together [PART TWENTY SIX] It's been a long time coming!
Mia is over the moon when she finally hears from Paolo, not only that, but he asks her OUT. |--| Of course she accepts, however has she taken into account who'll look after baby Jay in her absence. It certainly won't be Paige this time around. ⊂((・▽・))⊃ "Open sesame!". ☆Comment. ☆Like. ☆Subscribe. COMPUTER SPECS -. Windows 10. Hard Drive - 2TB. CPU - Intel Core i7-2600 processor. Ram - 8 GB. Graphics Card - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti. (⌒▽⌒)☆. TWITTER - @saffizewrites. INSTAGRAM @saffize. FACEBOOK - www.facebook.