Hey Guys. Finally finished with school and on break now. I'm not gonna be playing much H5 during the summer though, as the game still has some serious issues that make me to want to jump off a bridge. So, I used some highlights from the Social Snipers playlist from a few weeks back to make one more H5 vid. I'll probably start going for M1 clips eventually though. I also recently got some new effects, including RSMB (shoutout to Str0kd for letting me know about it lol), which makes me really excited for future projects. Hopefully, I can pick up a few from people during the summer ;]. In the meantime, I'm gonna be grinding MCC for clips for my M2. Hopefully I can finish that in time for the THF montage contest. I'm also going to be streaming Reach regularly as well during the summer so follow to see when I'm on.