Hey guys. Welcome to the Twenty-fourth episode of 'Combo Series'. This is where i take two power weapons and use them in the same life in Warzone to see how well i can do. It has been a little while since my last combo so here is a new one. This time i decided to use the Ad Victoriam and Lawgiver together. Not my favourite combo but both weapons are very cheap and powerful. The Lawgiver is a great weapon in close combat but in all honesty the Ad Victoriam shun through in this, for 5 REQs its power is almost unfair, especially when it can be guided by the player who shoots it. Overall was a pretty solid combo and had a lot of fun using it. As always i hope you enjoy the gameplay and see you next video. Peace. -iSpiteful. Special Thanks (Weapons Drops) :. Freelancer Mac. Ahtadaso. UNSCDF Guy. Lynxi. Music : Unison - Translucent [NCS Release] -.