A list I made because DC animated movies are not for kids. If you haven't figured from the title, this has lots of death in it. You've been warned. |--| 0:14 Under the Red Hood. 0:23 The Dark Knight Returns Part II. 0:34 Wonder Woman. 1:04 Justice League: Crisis Between Two Worlds. 2:18 Justice League: Frontier. 2:40 Justice League: Froniter. 3:32 Green Lantern: First Flight. 4:09 The Dark Knight Returns Part I. 4:26 Under the Red Hood. 4:56 The Dark Knight Returns Part I. 5:45 Justice League: Frontier. 6:28 Green Lantern: First Flight. 6:45 All Star Superman. 7:14 Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. 7:43 The Dark Knight Returns Part II. 8:27 Green Lantern: First Flight.