GTA 5 Online Mods - Chillin With Subscribers - Crazy Modded Money Lobby #3 (PS3/1.26/1.27)
Hello Guys. Crazy Modz Here With A New Crazy Modded Money Lobby Video Hope U Enjoy. for those who keep asking the same question over & over, can i do this on ps4/xb1. the answer is NO there is NO. mods/hacks/exploits on ps4/xb1 (YET) but will be in the near future, if u actually think there is. then i hate to break it up on u, all u hopes & dreams based on a lie, some youtubers claim to do this on ps4/xb1 which is all A lie, they do it for views & gain more subs, so keep this in mind the closest thing u can get to effect u game on ps4/xb1 is modded accounts. i made a new account to add u guys, keep in mind i cant add u all & might not be able to help u all, how ever this is how it goes:. send me a friend request with the following attached message:. (im on ps3 & im a subscriber) & i will add 100 total, once i get 100 FR i will turn on privacy settings, once i help all 100 i will delete the 1 i helped & turn off the privacy settings, do not spam me or add me if u on ps4 only ps3 this is my new PSN: CRMZ9. BTW I MIGHT NOT GET ONLINE FOR 2 DAYS SO BE PATIENT. My Second Channel:.