Elise Starseeker & Aviana Combo! Hearthstone (League of Explorers)
Aviana to Innervate to Golden Monkey to two random legendaries. Good times. (If you're in a hurry, the magic happens at 7:00.). Disclaimer:. Yes, this is a gimmicky and somewhat inconsistent deck. But, it's in its early stages. Even if it isn't top tier, it's super fun when you get the combo, so I'm going to keep working on it. Also, I'm aware I make some mistakes in this video, so if that kind of thing ticks you off you may want to stay away. Also, I did come up with this deck myself. It may or may not already exist somewhere else, but I didn't copy it from anything. Strategy:. The deck attempts to balance card draw (to get through to the Monkey, and also to draw Aviana) with healing and control. Survive to late game, and if the board is reasonably clear turn 10+ and you have the combo (Aviana, Innervate, Monkey), play it and overwhelm the opponent. (Aviana to Monkey can also work if necessary, because Monkey is a 6/6 taunt.). (I am also considering adding Kel'Thuzad to this deck, as playing Avianna, Innervate, KT, Monkey, Legendary, sounds pretty darn strong. Just need to find him a spot.). Don't take too much damage too quickly, but at the same time don't be afraid to exchange health for card draw because you need to get through the deck and there's ample healing. Mulch was the most recent addition, as an emergency measure for high-health things like Ysera. If you use it on that kind of card, most of the time Mulch will give the opponent something much worse. So far keeping Elise in the mulligan seems to be a good idea, as well as Raven Idol or any of the 2 drops. There's also a mini-combo in this deck with Savage Combatant + Finley. Hero Power for 3 attack, then get another HP with Finley, then HP again for 5 attack (plus the effect of your new HP). If anyone has suggestions for improvements to the deck I'm all ears. Or try it yourself and let me know how it goes. Twitter.