Building Services in Go

Following on from last year's Introduction to Go tutorial, this talk will cover building a production service using the Go programming language. By the time you walk out of this talk you will have built a real service capable of supporting 10,000 simultaneous clients. You will have the tools necessary to go out and build your own services for your own projects.. Along the way, we'll talk about some good practices for building systems in Go, services in general, and also some things you have to think about when working at this scale. Consider it a quick-and-dirty education in building highly concurrent software that's supposed to run safely and stably for long periods of time.. About Go: A relatively new programming language built by some pretty smart engineers at Google, Go is a statically typed, compiled language that is particularly well suited for writing services in Internet-scale environments. Compared to other common contemporary languages, Go is an amazing platform for writing highly concurrent applications that serve tens of thousands of clients (or more).. Requirement: You should either be familiar with Go or a pretty quick study on languages. The talk starts at a level that should work for people who have done Intro-to-Go tutorials before or written small programs..