Random Dino Carnage | The Isle Part 2

The Isle brings dinosaurs and humans together after an experiment horribly backfires. Players can choose to play as dinosaurs (carnivores or herbivores) or various human factions. Players can choose to form a pack to try to stay alive and hunt together, or players can run solo and sabotage bases and gangs. Unlike many other dinosaur games, The Isle brings back the sheer terror of dinosaurs. Austroraptors can be crouching in the brush without anyone suspecting; A Carnotaurus can charge through foliage, outrunning everyone they come against; or a Tyrannosaurus Rex can give a might roar for all to hear. Running and shooting at close ranger against a T. Rex will get you killed. The Isle was Greenlit on Steam on May 29, 2015 in just 5 days - making it one of the fastest greenlit games. - - - - - - - - - - - - -. You can find out more about The Isle on the wiki page -.

battle agamingbeaver,   thegamingbeaver