Star Wars Battlefront II Mods (PC) HD: Darth Vader Turns to the Light (2.0)

WATCH IN HD. So a lot of you may remember that I covered the first release of TheSackmaster's Vader Turns mod a few months ago. A lot of people, including myself, left feedback saying that white armour for Vader would be a nice homage to the Star Wars: Infinities comics. The comics tell of an alternate ending to Return of the Jedi in which the redeemed Anakin Skywalker becomes a Jedi once more and joins the Rebellion to help defeat Palpatine. The mod itself is pretty straight forward but makes for an interesting concept and definitely a good idea for a mod. |--| The map is just the stock Death Star with Darth Vader on the Rebellion side armed with his blue lightsaber and, as of this release, white Jedi armour. I also thought the idea of putting in Palpatine as an almost 'final boss' was awesome. |--| All in all, it's a pretty nice update to the first mod from TheSackMaster and makes for an interesting "What If?" story. Enjoy and give it a download if you like what you see. Link:.

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