Fire Emblem Mystery, Genealogy, and Thracia | A Tactful History (ft.Lockstin) | Chronicles of Gaming
Remakes, revolutions, the loss of a visionary, and the hardest Fire Emblem game ever created await in what might be the longest Chronicles episode to date. Some franchises just get left behind. Fire Emblem was one of them. The series would brave new ground with a darker setting and even more devious gameplay. A brutal franchise for only the most hardcore of gamers for a time almost no one outside of Japan even knew of its existence let alone who it was created. But with the series rising popularity and newly christened mainstream status maybe its time to shed some light on the matter. A story of swords, dragons, and one man backed by an entire company begins. Join Lockstin as he delves deep into the history of the Fire Emblem franchise. Read the article on this episode:.