Play Doh Spider-Man Super Tools Spiderman Play Dough Spider Web Spider Man Venom DisneyCarToys

Play Doh Spider-Man Super Tools Play Dough toy review. Make Marvel Superheroes out of Play-Doh with DisneyCarToys and the Spiderman Super Tools Playdough set. This Marvel Super Hero Adventurs Play Doh set comes with a Spider-Man book mold, play doh spiderman cutter, spider leg playdoh extruder, 3 cans of play-doh and spiderman web extruder. DisneyCarToys makes a black play doh version of Spider-Man with the playdough mold to make Marvel Spider-Man character Venom. At the end of the video, Spider-Man traps Venom in the play doh spiderman that we made. See more of my toy videos at:. Play Doh Toys NEW HULK Smashdown Marvel Spiderman Iron Man Can-Heads Playdough.