A Minecraft survival map that leave us stranded on an island after our plane crash in the ocean. Goals to complete:. 1-Build shelter 2-Clear island of mobs 3-Drink 4-Make shears 5-Eat something apart from fish 6-Survive a night 7-Make a fire 8-Craft bricks 9-Hunt squid 10-Make a help sign 11-Make a farm 12-Make a bow and arrows 13-Make clothes 14- Dye some clothes 15-Cook salmon 16-Expand island with sand 17-Make cake 18- craft brewing stand and a potion. Goals for the end:. 19-Find the jet 20-Locate the tool kit 21-Make an anvil 22-Put a redstone lamp in the house 23-Enchant the hatchet 24-Call for help. Song(s) used:. Hope [NCS Release].