'Into the Fire ~ Witness Witchery' - Mass Inquisition (Remix) - Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney

Download link below. Headphones recommended. |--| ________________________________________________________. HEEEYYYY EVERYONE!!!~~~ Wow, it's been 3 weeks since my last upload. Well, here's a remix that no one asked for. Haven't done a drum & bass remix in a while, so I thought I'd do it to the tune of PLvsPW:AA's Mass Inquisition. Enjoy. My first AA remix was Espella's theme from PLvsPW:AA, and since then I haven't touched this game's music. It has a pretty amazing soundtrack and I love the twist they put on the traditional cross-examination theme when having to cross-examine multiple witnesses. I haven't had that much experience with drum & bass, but it is always fun to try. This track as basically the same structure as my previous DnB remix, minus the intro. I really enjoyed implementing the accordion and glock with all the synths, and I think it sounds pretty good, although I feel my mixing and mastering has a lot of room for improvement. One very obvious reference in the solo at the end, and for once it isn't Squid Sisters or BAaTH, guesses anyone. Anyways, thanks for all the support everyone. Uploads have been becoming less frequent, and it seems like it's going to stay like that for a while. But, just to ease it in a bit, I'll let you guys in on what the next remix is. Battle Against a True Hero. So, stay tuned for that. Download link:.

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