Ghostbusters Controversey, The Rise of Video Game Movies and More - Meet The Movie Press

Popcorn Talk Network proudly presents a vodcast for your insider look into the day to day reporting of the hottest scoops, exclusives and reports from the leading reporters in the industry on all things movie news. It's Popcorn Talk Network's Meet the Movie Press, hosted by film reporter from Forbes Simon Thompson and his guest from Mashable Josh Dickey. Each week the two will discuss the ever changing landscape of movie news and trade reporting. With discussions on everything from Marvel casting to landing exclusive stories on major Hollywood tentpoles. Today's topics include -. Angry Birds Movie Quick Review. Sean Penn's "The Last Face" at Cannes. James Rolfe/Cinemassacre not reviewing the new Ghostbusters. Daniel Craig no longer Bond. Casting Cable in Deadpool 2. Tetris franchise no longer a Trilogy. Nintendo wants to create a film universe. The Rock starting the Ludlum Universe. MIB23 Casting. The Nice Guys Review. Insidious 4. Kevin Smith on Buckaroo Bonzai. Vin Diesel wants Justin Lin to direct the final Fast and the Furious Film. Sherlock 3 starts filming in the fall. Early Alice Review. Paramount hosting a Star Trek Event. Make sure to subscribe to Popcorn Talk.

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