MAD MAX'S MISERABLE MEMORY! | Minecraft Speed Builders

Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today SkyDoesMinecraft is joined by Mithzan for Minecraft Speed Builders. Their first build is Painter’s Van, and Sky messes up terribly right off the bat. He works out how to get a perfect build in the end, and they move on to To Rainbow or Not To Rainbow, which terrifies them. Neither of them can even sort of remember, but somehow Sky makes it through with an 80%. Max, however, isn’t so lucky – despite cheating, he gets a 0 and is consequently eliminated. Sky has to tackle a Quack duck build next, and he does truly terribly and pays the price. Moving onto the next game – starting complicated with Ripperino – Sky gets a perfect match despite the build’s complexity, and Gwen the Guardian deems them both good enough to pass. Next up is Oreo, and they’re both confident they can do it – and maybe they could if they had more time. Sky narrowly makes it through the round, having built only half an Oreo, and they move on to Nether Star. They sail through that and move on to The Quest for the End – Sky is one block away from perfect, and Max narrowly avoids elimination. Next is Frosty and Friends, and Max does horribly. Fortunately, there are players worse than he and he gets to move on to Paul the Pig with Sky. Sky and Max argue over who’s deader, and it turns out that it’s Max. Next is a sheep in a similar style to Paul the Pig, and Max messes Sky up by shouting random numbers at him. In the last game, Sky and Max are terrified to find that the first build is T-Rex Rib Cage. Sky gets a perfect, and Max snags another perfect just in time to avoid elimination. Next is Bee Nectar, and Sky is afraid he’s going to be eliminated – until he gets a perfect build and Max ends up the one that’s voted off the island. Next is Water Bottle, which Sky has no hope of replicating – he tries to salvage his build by throwing glass everywhere, but it doesn’t work and he rage quits. That’s it for this Minecraft Speed Builders – thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!.

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