7 Times Games Humiliated Us with Pity

Metal Gear Solid 5's chicken hat makes guards ignore you, yes, but you will look ridiculous and Hideo Kojima is literally calling you a chicken. This is only the latest in a long and humiliating history of games taking pity on us for being rubbish at them. Take Ninja Gaiden Black's Ninja Dog mode, which kicks the difficulty down when you've gotten yourself killed so many times even the game is embarrassed for you, and makes you wear Ayane's purple ribbon of shame. Or the bit where L.A. Noire decides it can't watch you accidentally drown Cole Phelps in tar for the 40th time and asks if wouldn't you rather skip the whole messy business. No-one would ever know. WE WOULD KNOW, LA NOIRE. Outside Xbox brings you daily videos about Xbox 360 games and Xbox One games. Join us for new gameplay, original videos, previews, achievements and other things (ask us about the other things). Thanks for watching and be excellent to each other in the comments. Find us at.

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