Angular continues to take the market on a wild ride. Its courses are popular and its developer base growing daily. Google wrote Angular to have no external dependencies and in fact many devs use it with HTML alone. But we’re Microsoft devs and we know that ASP.NET MVC is the best delivery platform for HTML out there. So why not make it an equally awesome delivery platform for Angular-based apps as well. When using ASP.NET MVC, you need to to know how to set Angular up with regards to modules, controllers, and services. And the truth is that not the entire site needs to be one giant Single-Page-Application. I’ll show how to design an ASP.NET MVC site so that it includes pockets of SPA that use Angular, taking advantage of binding, routing, and even back-button support - all while remaining on the client. If you feel useful for you and for everyone, please share it. Source via: NDC. C# Tutorial for Absolute Beginners.