Play Doh Saw Mill Diggin' Rigs Mater Breaks Luigi Guido Tires Disney Cars Work at Play-Doh Saw Mill
DisneyCarToys cars spoof. Play-Doh Diggin' Rigs Saw Mill with Tonka Chuck Forklift and Disney Pixar Cars 2 Mater. Mater breaks Luigi and Guido's tower of tires and must work at the Play Doh Diggin' Rigs Tonka Chuck themed Saw Mill with Luigi and Guido's forklift cousin to pay off the debt. Mater builds play dough steal rods, lumber wood and more in the Saw Mill. This Play-Doh Diggin' Rigs Tonka Dump Truck themed play dough set includes 2 cans of play doh, a Tonka Chuck yellow forklift, a play doh saw and a playdough extruder. See more toy videos at:. Play Doh Diggin' Rigs Saw Mill with Mater on my husband's ToysReviewToys channel:.