SK Telecom T1 vs CJ Entus | Game 2 S6 LCK Summer 2016 Week 2 Day 3 | SKT vs CJ G2 W2D4
League of Legends LCK Champions Korea Spring 2016 Summer. |--| Second match of the day - CJ Entus vs SK Telecom T1 best of 3 game 2. SKT vs CJ G2 W2D4. SK Telecom T1 Line-up:. Duke - Top Moakai. Bengi - Jungle RekSai. Faker - Mid Azir. Bang - AD Ezreal. Wolf - Support bard. CJ Entus Line-up:. Untara - Top Shen. Haru - Jungle Gragas. Bdd - Mid Ryze. Kramer - ADC Twitch. Madlife - Support Soraka. Patch: 6.10 - Season 6. Game date: 02.06.2016 | 06/02/2016 | June 2nd 2016. Game place: Seoul, South korea. Casters: Achilios and MonteCristo. More info about LCK Spring 2016:.