Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Coming Soon Proof FNAF 4 PROOF Here is some proof that scott cawthon will be making fnaf 4. - FNAF 4 Coming soon FNAF 4 .. [FNAF 4 Release Date] RELEASES *AUGUST 8TH* + TRAILER Soon (Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Confirmed)Campaign: .. FNAF 4 TRAILER Coming?. || Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Trailer Teaser Coming Soon. Is the FNAF 4 trailer on the way. Could it come tomorrow. Will Shadow .. FNAF 4 IOS is coming and fnaf 4 android should be released today for you :). -- FNAF 4 Coming out on Android today - IOS SOON | FNAF 4 IOS AND FNAF 4 ..