Have you ever wondered how you are able to hold 36 items at once in Minecraft. We have 9 spots in our hot bar, as well as 27 additional inventory spaces. Steve must have some big pockets. but what if Notch decided it was time to fix things up. Imagine living in a world of Minecraft where you were only able to hold one item in your inventory. Everything you do would instantly become more difficult. what would Minecraft be like. Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did, consider leaving a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss future content. Leave your video suggestions in the comments and you may be featured in a future video. Actors: Eyeofthesliders, creeper321448, Baller_Playz, JeffDaDerp, luigieight, elinax69, pop42. If you could only hold one item in your inventory, what item would it be. FIND ME:. Twitter:.