[Hearthstone] Varian Win (Y'Shaarj Rage Unbound, Varian Wrynn, Deck Highlight)

With the new expansion bringing in many hard hitters and the similarity between Varian and Y'Shaarj, I thought it would be a good idea to give Varian Wrynn another shot. Y'Shaarj having similar text to Varian means they are well suited to being in the same deck, and the lack of Lightbomb in standard means that flooding the board with massive minions has fewer counters (Brawl, Equality). This video shows highlights and lowlights of my experience with a Varian Wrynn deck in standard, in the order I experienced them. The result of 95% of the games are here, unfortunately one or two were not properly recorded so are not shown. I'm not great at deck building, but still managed to climb from rank 19 to rank 12 with this pretty heavy deck. The deck evolved throughout this video and beyond. It started with a C'Thun base and removal for a solid start, the idea being to get to the late game to then flood the board with massive minions. Deathwing, Dragonlord was in the deck as Ysera and 2 Azure Drake also were (Azure instead of Shield Block because of Deathwing), and pulling a 12/12 with Y'Shaarj or Varian is appealing. I even ran one Alexstrasza's Champion, but in the end Deathwing and the Champion weren't performing so got dropped. As the games progressed I realised there was too much C'Thun synergy and not enough answers to aggro, so some C'Thun cards were removed in favour of Brawl and more control. Without Deathwing the Azure Drake's didn't make sense, so were replaced with Shield Block. Finally room was made for Ragnaros, seems reasonable for a Varian deck. The current iteration of the deck is here:.

hearthstone,   varian wrynn,   hscombos,   wotog,   whispers of the old gods,   old gods,   funny plays,   deck highlight