#1 League of Legends / Hug4Free @ EUW - LiveStream / Felix Woudenberg
Playing League of Legends as Illaoi - Taric Rework brakedown. Hug4Free aka ThePvPremade did surge throughout Twitch.TV, during which League of Legends player 'Felix Woudenberg' established an ongoing viewership of up to 5000 live viewers, amid the winter of 2013. With his Twitch viewership reaching Legendary proportions, his career was abruptly shattered once his streaming account got terminated. 30 Months later however, Felix Woudenberg is willing to forge the remnants, Raise your Milk. Rejoice,. Just keep running, just keep swimming; and remember, you are Awesome. If you liked this clip of The Felix Woudenberg Live Stream Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends. and hit that "like" button. SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out.