Trichechus Manatu is the scientific name for a Manatee. Members: Pulse, JimmyHam, Swagginz, Phlexonic, ZedAteM8, WaveForm. Games We Play: CS:GO, World Of Warcraft, Portal 2, Garry's Mod, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Far Cry 3, League Of Legends, Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Tera, Trine, Trine 2, Skyrim, H1Z1, Team Fortress 2 and many flash games. 100 Subs CS:GO GIVEAWAY. 200 CS:GO Opening. 300 Subs 6 hour stream. 400 Subs 12 hour stream. 1000 Subs 24 hour stream.