DOUBLE 6-0 MLG WIN! Episode 4 "Call of Duty Black Ops 3"

UCdTIvPsCnXs86WU1FcjWpjQ. __________________________________________________________________. About this video:. In this video, I show you my second 2v2 MLG Gamebattles game with my buddy MapleHUT. We just became buddies and we both want to play competitive Call of Duty so we decided to give it a shot together!. On the first map, we played on Evac. Now what is hilarious is that the guy looked my YouTube channel up before we started playing and messages me saying that we will kill them. I told him no we are just starting out and he told me that he watched my 1v1 match on Evac. So we start up on Evac, and immediately take the first few rounds from them. The third round was pretty long and the rest of the game just flew by, giving us the 6-0 win!. The second map was played on FRINGE. Now, as a team, me and Maple haven't played a single game together on this map so we had no idea what to expect. Again we steal the first two games faily quickly but then on round three, Maple messes up big time and now has to chase the guy with only a couple seconds left. He pulls out the pistol and just wrecks the guy with half a second left. In round four I was left to clutch a 2v1 and had the bomb planted. I ended up finding the first guy and then turned and jump shotted the last one!. We ended up winning game six as well leaving our record 6-0 for both maps and we win the series!!!. With all of that being said, THANK YOU so much for watching. I am getting better at playing competitively every day and trying to make great content. This double 6-0 MLG win is a great start!!.

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