The Sims 4 Cheats [Cheatcodes/Infinite Money] || Fotini Black

Press C + SHIFT + CTRL at the same time to type the cheatcodes. Type "TestingCheats On". or "TestingCheats True" to. enable cheats and "TestingCheats Off" or "TestingCheats False" to disable cheats. Type "Motherlode" to get 50,000 Simoleons [Type it multiple times to be a millionaire :3 ]. Press SHIFT while clicking on a Sim to cheat needs or reset this Sim. You can also make happy (or cheat needs) any Sim you want. (even if this Sim isn't on your household). Go to Build Mode and press SHIFT + ] while clicking an object to make it bigger, or SHIFT + [ to make it smaller. (You must enable cheats again when you go to Build Mode). Press SHIFT while clicking the Mailbox to cheat needs of multiple Sims. Press SHIFT while clicking on the ground to teleport. Subscribe:.