Title: Destiny. Release: 2014. Developer: Bungie. Publisher: Activision. Action Role-playing First Person Shooter. When it comes to farming, Old McDonald ain't got Sh*t on Me. While watching Pyro Gaming’s channel, on strange coin farming, which was very helpful, I noticed that he threw out a great tip for Exotic Engram farming. In my previous video, I was farming the Eye of the Gate Lord. Ignoring the cool down, I had a 20% drop rate. Pyro Gaming suggest going between The Eye of The Gate Lord (on Venus) and The Shrine of Oryx (on the Moon) leaving at least 5 minutes between the two. First things first, get the checkpoint. On both missions, you shoot in orbit after defeating the boss. After defeating the Eye of The Gate Lord Shoot to orbit quickly, before the 30 countdown timer starts. You now have a check point at The Gate Lord. After defeating Sardok, The Eye of Oryx.return to orbit. Do not destroy the shrine. Your check point won’t be at the boss but it will be very close. Now, During the boss battle, pop a 3 of coins, beat the boss, collect loot, quickly return to orbit, wait at least 5:00 and repeat the process on the other mission. Doing this, my exotic drop rate went from 20% to 36%, a bit better than 1 out of 3 drops. At times it seemed like 50%. Please leave a comment and tell me how this is working out for you. My goal is to get 100 exotic engrams and do a strategic opening and level all my guardians to 335. Please take a moment and hit the like button. My goal is 50 likes for this video. Subscribe to stay informed when new videos are released. You don’t want to miss the 100 exotic engram opening!.