League of Legends - Omega Squad Teemo vs Gnar Top Full Game - S5 (Season 5) Constant pressure meta
This game shows the split push strategy. I focus on non stop pressure on my lane and don't worry about kills. This way someone HAS to be top constantly which lets my team always be 4v4 or even 4v3 when two of them are trying to get to me. It is extremely effective when you try to get a win. Solely focuses on helping your team instead of trying to feed yourself. You have to be persistent to the point where their team can't catch their breath. Runes and Masteries:. Runes- (Attack Speed Marks, Attack Speed Seals, Attack Speed. Glyphs, Movement Speed Quints.). Masteries- 27-0-3 (All into offense, and 3 points into Ulility [3 pts into movement speed], max your damage both AP and AD. 1 point into Attack Speed, 3 points in Sorcery [cool downs 3.75%], Double Edged Sword and both of the other mastery slots underneath that, 3 pts in Executioner and both slots under that, the rest is for the AP. Max damage!).