Sesame Street Playset Cookie Monster, Elmo, Oscar The Grouch, Play-Doh Rubber Ducky Figurine Town

DisneyCarToys presents the Sesame Street Playset made by Hasbro. Shop for Play-Doh Cookies and Play Doh treats at Hoopers Store with Cookie Monster and Elmo. Cookie Monster eats Play-Doh cookies and Elmo eats his healthy Playdough treat, play doh watermelon. Cookie Monster learns his letters at the fruit stand, but is upset to see that "C is for Carrot" and not "C is for Cookie". Oscar The Grouch is grumpy and so Elmo, the furry red monster, tries to cheer him up. With the Hasbro Playskool Sesame Street Playset your Sesame Street figurines can play in Hoopers Store, a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. See more toy videos at:. See Elmo and Cookie Monster have a pool party with Big Bird and Snuffy in the Elmo Bath Adventure Steamboat on DisneyCarToys channel:.