Hey guys and welcome to episode 167 of the Gaming Death Podcast. This was a fun episode to record and we hope you enjoy it.. We start off talking about Pokemon Sun and Moon. We discuss the release date as well as the new starters.. From there Hollow talks about his time with Overwatch and Kaleb chimes in with his experience. Thanks to Dark Souls 3 Chris didn't get a chance to try it so all his questions are answered by the other 2 host.. Speaking of Dark Souls 3 Chris and Kaleb give their final impression of the game. As well as talk DarkSouls 2 and Bloodbourne, and Salt and Sanctuary.. Kaleb regales the crew with news about a new Witcher 3 DLC. Which leads to both Hollow and Chris deciding they need to finish that game.. Hollow talks about wanting to finish more games but with the avalanche of games being released it's getting harder and harder. The rest of the crew agrees.. Finally Uncharted 4 comes up. No spoilers but it is NOT the Last of Us.. There's so much more in this episode just listen til the end to hear about our upcoming viewer special at the end of the month. Be part of that show by sending your e-mails into [email protected]. Check out our Mother ship site at Geekyantics.net. Live each week on twitch.tv/gamingdeath at 9:30pm EST. -- Watch live at.