RAINCLOUD THE SALT SHAKER | Five Nights at Freddy's - Part 2

This recording binge was nearly the death of me. Hello, and welcome to Part 2 of my Five Nights at Freddy's Let's Play. If you enjoyed, leave a like and why not subscribe. (I'm never going to say that again :)). Spoiler alert, I actually did finish the recording binge, and it hurt, but I had a lot of fun. I underwent many changes this recording session; I got a new mouse, I played in the pitch blackness of my closet, and I changed editing to Sony Vegas Pro because Premiere Pro was being a. welll I want it back, but it was not cooperating. Please leave a comment below if you liked, or if you have any suggestions. Rambling aside, I hope you enjoyed. Shou.Tv: @RaincloudTheDragon. Minecraft Username: RainyTheDragon. Twitch.Tv: @RaincloudTheDragon. Clash Royale: @RainyTheDragon, clan is either Undead Souls or DemonSalsa..

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