Hearthstone: What to Craft? - The Grand Tournament Meta

..­.­. .­..­. Credit:. Never Alone - TheFatRat. The Grand Tournament Trailer - Blizzard (outro). ..­.­. .­..­. Hearthstone is a free-to-play digital strategy card game that anyone can enjoy. Players choose one of nine epic Warcraft heroes to play as, and then take turns playing cards from their customizable decks to cast potent spells, use heroic weapons or abilities, or summon powerful characters to crush their opponent. Goblins vs Gnomes (often abbreviated as GvG) is the first expansion for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, released on December 8th 2014 in the Americas region, and on 9th/10th December in other regions.The second infusion of new cards to be added to the game, the expansion features 143 new cards (123 of which are collectible), with a strong mechanical theme, and introduces the new Mech minion type, as well as debuting the long-awaited spectator mode. As well as introducing new cards and features, the expansion sees the minion type of numerous minions changed, with many mechanical minions becoming Mechs, and certain bestial druid minions becoming Beasts. The Grand Tournament is the second expansion to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, featuring 132 collectible cards, as well as 16 uncollectible cards. The expansion was released August 24, 2015, shortly after 10am PDT/7pm CEST. |--| Based around World of Warcraft's Argent Tournament, the expansion features a strong Hero Power theme, with numerous ways to modify, augment and replace Hero Powers, and introduces the first full keyword since the game's launch, Inspire - a special kind of triggered effect which will activate each time the controlling hero uses their Hero Power. It also introduces a new non-keyword mechanic, Joust. When activated, this ability causes a minion to be revealed from each player's deck, and if the player who initiated the Joust has the higher mana cost minion, a special effect is activated, depending on the Joust minion. |--| In addition to new cards, the expansion will see changes to the Quest Log and Ranked Play mode, with players who have exceeded Rank 20 that season gaining special rewards at the end of the season, scaling depending on their highest rank. Arena will also be changed to award random card packs, rather than only those from Goblins vs Gnomes. |--| The expansion introduces numerous characters and races from the Argent Tournament and Northrend in general, such as the tuskarr, val'kyr and kvaldir. |--| The release of the expansion was preceded by Grand Tournament Match, a special Grand Tournament-themed Tavern Brawl designed to showcase the expansion's two new mechanics: Inspire and Joust. The Brawl allowed players access to certain cards from the expansions before they are otherwise available, through special pre-made decks. The Brawl opened August 19 and closed August 24, several hours before the release of the expansion. |--| The expansion's data was added to the game with Patch, on August 18..

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