League of Legends - GypsyDanger454 - Rank Placement Game #3

Ok so one of my subs asked me why i dont post any ranked games on my channel and theres a few reasons why. #1 i had played 2 placement games awhile back when i first hit level 30 and they went absolutely horrible. My team was always arguing/being toxic with each other which im sure all of us that play know, it gets really annoying and tiresome to deal with. #2 i dont have many RL friends that actually play the game so creating and team is kinda off the table. #3 feeders. GEE ZUS the feeders. im not saying ive never fed someone before but those 2 games i played, 2 players on my team were 0/15 each. it was disgusting. The game was over within 20min. So yea after having those 2 games i stayed away from the ranked circus. After my sub asked me about it i decided that this time id give it a shot and finish off my placement games. So this is game #3 and it went pretty much the same as the first 2. The game was going really well in our favor for most of it until our Nami and Nocturne started gettin into it and then they start to throw the game. Bad engages, running from team fights and just plain old throwing a tantrum and not leaving the fountain bc someone hurt your feelings. it was ridiculous. So another loss went into the ranked placement books. also this was supposed to have a commentary but my dumb ass forgot to turn on the mic so nothing recorded -_-.