The sims 3: The 100 Kittens Challenge -(Part 2)- This is harder than I thought!?!

Hey guys it is me Kitty and welcome back to another video on my channel. Today I am back with another episode of the 100 kittens challenge. I hope you enjoyed ;). How to play:. Make sure you have a female cat when you start. |--| 2. You can adopt a male cat when ready. |--| 3. Before you get rid of the kittens and male you must do these things:. -Your sim must be friends with the kitten, before you age up the cat. |--| -Once your sim is friends with kitten(s), you can now age them up. |--| 4. Adopt another male. |--| 5. Repeat. Rules:. No cheating unless absolutely needed. |--| 2. No mods to help you out. Must need:. The sims 3 pets. |--| Base game. Stalk me ;):. Twitter:.