Video rated 18+ before watching. This video will shows you the top 20 upcoming games 2016 & 2017 that's coming on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The video based for gamers who looking for upcoming games with good storylines and. high graphics. I do not own any of the logos/videos/song/music used in the video. They are the copyrighted products of the respective owners and they have the credits for the awesome work. Games List:-. Matterfall. Detroit. Uncharted 4. Rabinson The Jaurney. Hitman 6. Star Wars The Old Republic. Farcry 5 Primal. Final Fantasy 15. Cyber Punk 2077. Dishonered 2. Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Mirror's Edge 2. Homefront 2 The Revolution. Kingdom Come. Star Citizen. For Honor. Quantum break. Mafia 3. Horizon Zero Dawn. Tom Clansy's Ghost Racon Wildlands. Tom Clansy's The Division. *******SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE*******. YouTube:-.