Angular 2 – static vs dynamic (Martin Probst, Google - AngularJS Team). Angular 2 makes a couple of design decisions in its template syntax, injector setup, and other areas, that enable ground breaking new features for framework users around tooling, compilation, and static analyzability. Martin will share some background on how this helps you and where Angular is headed. [Break]. Angular 2 Development Workflows (Raúl Jiménez, Freelancer, Google Developer Expert). Open Source is awesome. Angular 2 is Open Source. Then Angular 2 is awesome. why we can't manage a closed source project as an Open Source project. Are you bored of Jira. Do you hate your release workflow. Have you fear to publish your next version. In this talk I will show you an development workflows that are common on Open Source projects and how you can apply these to your work on a daily basis in you Angular 2 projects with TypeScript, Karma, Jasmine 2, Travis and much more. TypeScript in practice: Showcase & Lessons learned in projects. You know that feeling, when you want to refactor something in your huge Javascript app right. It can't so hard you say, suddenly your worst nightmares become reality. Well maybe we can sleep better and be more productive with this thing called Typescript. David is here to tell you why & how you should continue to use it for Angular 2.0, from a perspective of enterprise scale teams & projects. (25 min).