The O'Reilly Factor 5/13/16 - Bill O'Reilly on Donald Trump vs Washington Post, Gingrich as VP?

The O'Reilly Factor 5/13/16 - Bill O'Reilly on Donald Trump vs Washington Post, Hillary Clinton's new Trouble with Clinton Foundation money, Newt Gingrich as Donald Trump's Vice President Choice. The Factor was joined by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who is reportedly on Donald Trump's short list for vice president. "I would have to look at this very seriously," Gingrich admitted. "I talk to Donald Trump occasionally, I regard him as an old friend and we have communicated on a routine basis. He has been very clear that he wants an insider because he understands that to get things done in Washington you have to sit down and talk with the legislators." The Factor told Gingrich, "You would provide him with the working knowledge of Congress that he doesn't have, and I think he's going to choose you.". Trouble for the Clintons. |--| The Factor began Friday's show with new accusations against the Clinton Global Initiative. The Wall Street Journal has reported that the organization gave millions of dollars to a well-connected energy company that went belly-up. Geraldo Rivera elaborated on the story. "This could be a big story politically," he said, "but legally the foundation was giving money to a company it believed in. The big picture is that over two-billion dollars has been raised by the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, but where has it gone?" The Factor described the dealings as "crony capitalism under the shield of a charitable foundation." Fox News correspondent Leland Vittert turned to the Obama administration's forceful recommendation that all public schools allow transgendered students access to any bathroom and locker room. "The threat here is that if a school doesn't go along, the government can pull all federal funding. This applies to any bathroom and any locker room facility, and there's more. According to these guidelines, any young man heading off to college can say, 'I identify myself as a woman' and therefore I would like to be in an all-girls dorm.". The Media and Trump in 2016. 'The Five' co-host Dana Perino reacted to a report claiming that the Washington Post has assigned 20 reporters to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. "The Post has clarified that," she reported, "saying it has 20 reporters to cover the entire campaign." Perino added that the media tend to go after Republicans with much more vigor and glee than Democrats. "Remember how reporters descended on Alaska when Sarah Palin was nominated to be vice president, and how the Washington Post went after Mitt Romney back to his high school days. If you're the candidate, you just have to accept that this is coming, and Donald Trump is the very best at dealing with the media.".