Play-Doh Disney Cars Tires Lego Guido Makes Play Doh Tires With Chuck Dump Truck DisneyCarToys

DisneyCarToys cars spoof play doh story. Disney Cars 2 Play-Doh Guido needs to make Playdough tires for Cars 2 race car Shu Todoroki. Lugi's Casa Della Tires has only 2 tires left. Lego Duplo Luigi and Lego Duplo Guido must visit Chuck the Dump Truck's Play-Doh tire maker and tire junk yard to make new Play-Dough tires. Lego Duplo Guido watches Chuck the dump truck modify play-doh tires. Guido makes several Playdough tires using the Play Doh press in the Grinding Gravel Yard play-doh play set. This Play-Doh toy normally comes with a playdough mat, Chuck Dump Truck and 2 cans of play-doh. See more toy videos at:. Play Doh Hungry Hungry Hippos Eats Disney Cars Chick Hicks Micro Drifters Toy on DisneyCarToys:.