Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Volt White 2 SOUL LINK Egglocke Co Op - SEND US EGGS
E-mail us 3 eggs per person. The e-mails are:. JustPlayPKMN@gmail.com (JPP). elliforhd@aol.com (Elliot). Here are the rules for the Soul Link Egglocke Co Op of Blaze Black and Volt White 2:. You must catch the first Pokémon you find in a new route. Failure to catch it results in a loss of a new partner. |--| 2. The newly caught Pokémon MUST be swapped out for an egg in the PC Box and hatched, then leveled up with Rare Candies to the same level as the Pokemon that was caught to swap out. If you happen to get the same Pokémon as one you have in your party or that you've hatched before/its evolutionary line (dupes clause), you may swap for another egg. All given Pokémon (like the starters, and event Pokemon) cannot be traded and are soul-bound. |--| 4. (Like any other Nuzlocke challenge), when a Pokémon faints, you MUST release it. (EXCEPTION: You may put it in a "Dead" box to be able to go back any look at your previous members for a memorial service.). Each route's Pokemon will be kept track of and the pair we hatch will be "Soul Linked" together, meaning they must be either in the party of each member or in the PC Box at the same time, and if one faints, so does the other. Subscribe to JustPlayPokemon:.