Let's Play some Need For Speed. This is the Deluxe Edition. I just recently got this game and I am really loving it so far. |--| I am however quite annoyed about the blue line on the road during races. |--| Maybe it is possible to turn it off but I haven't found it in the options. Playing on the highest possible graphics and audio settings. |--| I'm using the Xbox One Elite Wireless controller for Windows. No ingame music as usual because that gets really tiring after a while. Thank you for watching. _____________. AMD FX 8350. 16gb Corsair Value S. DDR3 1333MHz CL9. ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R2.0. Asus GeForce BLACK GTX 970 4GB PhysX. Asus Xonar Essence ST. Asus Xonar H6.