My Skilled Thresh Montage/ League of legends

Por fin teneis algo que no es overwatch jajajaj espero que os guste ia se que es un poco corto pero tranquilos que mas adelante seran mas largos y mejores. Ni caso XD:. Thresh Montage | Best Thresh Plays of 2014 | League of Legends. Thresh Montage | Best Thresh Plays of 2015 | League of Legends. MadLife Montage - Best Thresh Plays. New Meta: THRESH JUNGLE (Season 6 League of Legends). Thresh Champion Spotlight. Thresh Hook Montage - Best Thresh Plays Compilation | League of Legends. SoloMiD. League of Legends - Thresh Support - Full Ranked Game Commentary (Provisionals). Thresh Preseason Support Guide by Cloud9 BunnyFuFuu | League of. League of Legends - Thresh (Season 5: BR).

league of legends,   gaming