Por fin teneis algo que no es overwatch jajajaj espero que os guste ia se que es un poco corto pero tranquilos que mas adelante seran mas largos y mejores. Ni caso XD:. Thresh Montage | Best Thresh Plays of 2014 | League of Legends. Thresh Montage | Best Thresh Plays of 2015 | League of Legends. MadLife Montage - Best Thresh Plays. New Meta: THRESH JUNGLE (Season 6 League of Legends). Thresh Champion Spotlight. Thresh Hook Montage - Best Thresh Plays Compilation | League of Legends. SoloMiD. League of Legends - Thresh Support - Full Ranked Game Commentary (Provisionals). Thresh Preseason Support Guide by Cloud9 BunnyFuFuu | League of. League of Legends - Thresh (Season 5: BR).