Minecraft Adventures of Bacon Man : BUILD BATTLE!

Welcome to another exciting adventure of BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft. And this time BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft teams up with WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming. Poor PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse is all jelly about being replaced by WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming. Could be some mixed feelings along the way. You never know. Anyway, Today’s game is Dragon Escape. And, if you would like to see more Minecraft games like this, please leave your comments down below. Thanks so much for your support and for watching this video. News flash. There’s a giant dragon that tries to eat BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft. No Doubt, the dragon will be looking to have waffles and pancakes on the side which means instant death for BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft, WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming and PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse. With game 1 over almost before it starts, BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft is quick to blame it all on WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming because she’s new to the game. Doesn’t seem fair but, when you’re a piece of bacon with dragon’s chasing you down, you got to blame it on the waffle. Well, something like that. The next game offers more complicated routes to escape the dragon and BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft does pretty well sprinting ahead of WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming and PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse. But, with a snap and sizzle, BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft gets fried early. It’s not easy being a piece of breakfast food. BaconMan AKA, SkyDoesMinecraft tries to collaborate with PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse and WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming as a way of quickly defeating the dragon. But, the idea doesn’t seem to work too well. The further we go into the game the more intense the rival between PanCakePal, AKA RagingHouse and WaffelWoman AKA AphmauGaming is. You don’t want to miss out on the excitement over these 2 as they break more than just fast. Ok, very bad pun. Not ever AphmauGaming could save that one. But, anyway guys thanks so much for watching this Minecraft BaconMan Does Super Smash Craft Video. And please remember to slap that like button!.

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