Hearthstone Guide - Legendary in ~ 4 hours !

In this Video I am showing you the most Dust efficient , fastest, easiest and cheapest Deck in Hearthstone I could find until now. I highly recommend it for everybody that play Hearthstone since the Open Beta,. to everybody that wants to get legendary ranked in Ladder, and ofcourse to everybody else who wants to pwn some noobs. A friend of mine did it from Rank 20 to Legendary in 4 hrs and 21 Minutes , He was playing this Deck 4 hours straight and got alot of Bonus stars through the Win Streak. |--| So, dont give up, it is easier than you think. Decklist:. 2 Arcane Shot. 2 Tracking. 2 Abusive Sergeant. 2 Leper gnome. 2 Timber Wolf. 2 Explosive trap. 1 Worgen infiltrator. 1 Freezing Trap. 1 Missdirection. 2 Unleash the hounds. 2.Bluegill Warrior. 1 Loot hoarder. 1 novice engineer. 2 Starving buzzard. 2 Eaglehorn Bow. 2 Kill Command. 1 Arcane Golem. 2 Wolfrider. The Songs used in this Video are from incompetech.com. Subscribe for Hearthstone related esports news , Pro Game Analyses and more Hearthstone Ownage :). Cya in the Next Vid :).
