Disgaea (PC) - Prinny Land Extra Maps

At long last, I get to address how to deal with a Dark Assembly that does not give you what you want and how to prepare to deal with them until you can overpower them (overpowering them is the next video). Here I have to persuade them with force to unlock Prinny Land, which gives us access to the alternate Prinny jobs, such as Captain, General, King, and God. This is also where you can farm Testaments, and they can come in rare and legendary varieties if you get really lucky when loading the third map. Unfortunately, I do not get to steal the Testament on video here as my thief is a little low level for an item of that rank, but the next video will address any level problems we have before Baal, and my characters will begin their transmigration into their final roles. I'm still aiming to have the next video 2 weeks from this one, where we tackle the Cave of Ordeals. Levels will be skyrocketing from there, allowing us to go deeper into the post game. From there, I'll have to see whether I want to challenge the Demon Hall Mirror or go into the Alternate Netherworld. Most likely, we'll be going for Priere and Marjoly before Adell and Rozalin in the interest of making this as simple as possible for anyone following the series..