Star Wars Battlefront 1 Mods (HD): Ginev's Tatooine City- Empire (Part 2)
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to a brand new Star Wars Battlefront 1 Mod Map Gameplay. Today we go on a more new map by Ginev called Ginev's Tatooine City and it is altered in a few ways but is mostly unchanged from both the Star Wars Battlefront 1 and Star Wars Battlefront 2 versions. The map itself is just a copy and paste of Mos Eisley but their are more command posts and more command posts outside the map you could take which is always a plus since I like bigger maps but not really big maps. The sides are what the modder (in my opinion) worked the hardest on, even the pictures impressed me (not able to see my face during that expression but it was something like this: :D :D :D). The sides are mostly Rebel and Empire sides but the Empire relatively had guns being added to their sides but that was fine. The Rebels got a complete makeover with NEW skins, NEW units and NEW guns. Did you enjoy this mod map by Ginev and want to give it a run for you money. If so then feel free to do so with the link I have provided for you in the description below. DOWNLOAD LINK:.