Welcome to my channel. |--| I am so so so new to recording LP's so don't be too hard on my poor editing skills guys. I just REALLY love to play the sims and I also REALLY love to watch other people's gameplay so I thought I would give this a go. This is the first video I've made for my 100 Baby Challenge series so it is not the VERY VERY beginning. I've already finished with my first Matriarch and Estelle is the second appointed spawner, lol. Here is Estelle's story. Finding herself living an unfavorable lifestyle, Estelle has begrudgingly become the Greco family's new matriarch after her mother Claudia died of old age. Estelle is one of twenty children and also a twin. Her twin sister Lottie Greco has decided to stick around and keep an eye on Estelle's wild behavior. Lottie, being a bit of a stick in the mud (a.k.a. a real adult) keeps the family in check. She also brings in all the simoleans, cleans house, watches Estelle's kids, and repairs all the leaky faucets. All the while, Estelle just runs around town having fun and. yup, making babies. Will Lottie become exhausted of her sisters irresponsible behaviors and leave. Or will she stick around and remain loyal to the family. Stick around and let's find out together. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (.