Yay I finally did it. I finished this video. Was it good. Was it bad. Was it so god damn awful you unsubbed. Tell me. I experimented with a lot of styles and things in this one, and I seriously need feedback. Hopefully it's an improvement from my "Escape From Low Priority" video, but I dunno guys. You decide whether it's good or not. But yah, I put a TON of work into this, it's way, way longer than what I usually produce, and hopefully better as well. Hope you enjoy and have fun. Music list:. Ross Bugden - Rapture. Kevin MacLeod - Fretless. Blue Stahli - Leadfoot Getaway. RUN-DMC - It's Tricky(DJ Fresh Remix). Kevin MacLeod - Vivacity. Atlas Plug - Truth Be Known. NOMA - Brain Power. Savant(Datakrash) - Hip-Hop Mixtape vol. (probably not available for download anymore because SoundCloud took down Savant's account with all the mixtapes and sick tracks :/ I'll maybe upload it onto a separate channel for junk uploads like that if there's a demand for it). Elevator Music. Kevin MacLeod - Cold Funk. Naughty By Nature - Here Comes the Money. Kevin MacLeod - The Descent. ProteleR - Faidherbe Square (instrumental). WWE Kurt Angle theme. Datakrash/Savant - Whisperer.