Enjoy. If you liked the video then please remember to leave a like &. comment, I appreciate it a lot. Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure video game played from a. third-person perspective in an open world environment. The player. uses melee attacks, fireams, weapons and explosives to fight. enemies, and can run, jump, swim, or use vehicles to navigate the. game's world. The single-player mode of Grand Theft Auto V is. played through three player-controlled protagonists—Michael, Trevor. and Franklin—criminals whose stories interconnect as they complete. missions. While interacting with the game world, the player may. switch between them at will, by means of a directional compass on. the HUD; Franklin corresponds to the north point, Michael to the. west, Trevor to the east and the player's multiplayer avatar to the. south. Developer: Rockstar North. Release: 9/17/2013. Genre: Action Adventure. Platform: PS3/X360/XBOX ONE/PS4/PC. Publisher: Rockstar Games. Website:.